We can help turn your book into an eBook or get it ready for Amazon’s print-on-demand service
At YourBooks, we can help you turn your book into an eBook or print-on-demand (POD) book for Amazon KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing).
Amazon KDP is your very own online, self-publishing service for offshore sales. If you need help anytime, click here to go to the KDP help centre, which will give you access to the many online KDP topics and guide you through the process while providing all sorts of tips and helpful information.
Not feeling confident with your Amazon skills? We also offer support in setting up your KDP account and provide helpful tips on:
- Book pricing
- Categories
- Metadata/tags
- Marketing
- Setting up an Author Central page
For more information, check out the handy links below, or get in touch with your book consultant to make your book available through Amazon!
YourBooks guide to setting up your Amazon account