
File Specifications

File Specifications

Supplying files to YourBooks

Document Format
We accept PDF files only. Please use the job options available HERE

PDF Settings

  • Single page PDF format only (do not supply in spreads). Example: A4 saddle stitched book will have PDF pages 210 x 297 (not 420 x 297 spreads).
  •  PDFs must have embedded fonts (this can be checked in Acrobat Professional).
  •  If the PDF size is bigger than the finished size (if bleed is required) then trim boxes need to be applied. Trim boxes can be applied in Acrobat Professional. If no trim box is applied, then page positioning will default to the crop box.

Page Settings

  • All pages should be presented in the file whether printed on or not, i.e. if there is a blank page at the end of a chapter or at the end of the book it must be present as a page in the document.
  •  All pages in the document must be same size throughout.
  • Pages in the document must be the same orientation (either all portrait or all landscape).
  • If bleed is required, a minimum of 3mm is needed.


Colour Management

Colour Settings

We target Euro Prepress 2 colour settings:

  • RGB: Adobe RGB (1998) or sRGB IEC61966-2.1
  • CMYK: Coated FOGRA39 (ISO 12647-2:2004)

If your software and document are set with these specifications you will achieve a better colour conversion between RGB and CMYK.

Black Text

Should be 100 K or 100 Grey. Avoid using RGB black as this will convert to black using all CMYK channels and may print looking blurry.

Our Machines

Colour management should be treated just as you would an offset press. The Truepress and C1000 machines are CMYK printers and care should be taken when creating PDFs from RGB producing software, as CMYK gamuts are less saturated than RGB gamuts.

Spot Colours

Spot colours may not convert to your satisfaction on the Truepress or C1000, please convert spot colours in your native software.


Binding Methods


Perfect Bound

  • Page count must be divisible by 2. If not, blank pages must be added.
  • Spine measurements must be included for the cover. The cover spine width can be calculated HERE.
  • Cover file is supplied as a spreads including spine. Example: An A5 book with 12mm spine will have a landscape page with a trim box size of 308 mm x 210 mm (148 +12+148).
  • If the cover is single sided, supply a one page file, if it is two sided, supply a two page file.
  • Inside covers must have an image-free spine glue area of spine width plus and extra 6mm.

Wiro Bound

  • If required, 3mm bleed must be on all 4 edges of the page.
  • Do not allow important information to print within 9mm of wiro edge.

Ordering options

  • Pages printed – 1 side uncollated
  • Pages printed – 1 side collated with divider
  • Pages printed – 2 sides uncollated
  • Pages printed – 2 sides collated with divider


Any questions? Need more information? Feel free to contact us.


Preflight Tools

Download your preflight tools to begin:

PC Tools

PC Cover Preflight Tool
PC Text Preflight Tool


Mac Tools

Mac Cover Preflight Tool
Mac Text Preflight Tool